Feb 12, 2025
WLD 256 Pipe Fabrication I 6 CR Advanced Fabrication techniques for Pipe, including basic trade math, measuring tools and techniques, pipe welding layout and fit-up techniques for large-bore and small-bore steel pipe; pipe materials and fittings; pipe fitting safety, tools and techniques; and preparation of beveled pipe joints for welding. Welding is to WABO structural, AWS and ASME Pressure pipe welding standards, and Fabrication to accepted Industry Standards. This course will be based extensively on The Pipe Fitter’s Blue Book by Graves and BTC’s Pipe Welding and Pipe Fitting from NCCER Pipefitting Levels 1-4. Prerequisite(s): WLD 210 and WLD 211 , both with a C- or higher, or instructor permission. Completion Of or Concurrent Enrollment In: WLD 205 and WLD 215 , both with a C- or higher; or concurrent enrollment in WLD 205 and WLD 215 .
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