Jan 15, 2025
WLD 257 Pipe Fabrication II 5 CR Advanced Fabrication techniques for Pipe per Piping Industry accepted codes and standards. Will include trade math in laying-out angles and offsets; pipefitting calculations; special pipefitting problems, including branch connections, headers; and fabrication piping systems involving reducers, and fabrication of offsets. Also pipe support systems and rigging for piping installations in the Fabrication Module. This course will be based extensively on The Pipe Fitter’s Blue Book by Graves and BTC’s Pipe Welding and Pipe Fitting, Volumes I & II from NCCER Pipefitting Levels 1-4. Prerequisite(s): WLD 205 , WLD 215 r and WLD 256 , all with a C- or higher, or Instructor permission. Completion Of or Concurrent Enrollment In: WLD 213 , WLD 230 and WLD 262 , all with a C- or higher; or concurrent enrollment in WLD 213 , WLD 230 and WLD 262 ; or Instructor permission.
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