Sep 07, 2024  
2024-25 BTC Catalog 
2024-25 BTC Catalog

Student Life & Services

Admissions & Advising

College Services Building, Room 106
Email: Phone: 360.752.8345

Admissions & Advising offer educational pathway planning and career development to BTC students through individualized support services. Navigators work with students to:

  • Explore career pathways using vocational assessments, employment trends, and more.
  • Build an educational plan to meet program entry requirements and satisfy graduation requirements.
  • Provide support with job and internship searching, including resume and cover letters, interviewing, applications, etc.
  • Identify action items and next steps to address challenges that may impact success in college.
  • Establish realistic and attainable academic and career goals.
  • Connect with potential funding sources to pay for college.

TRIO Student Support Services

Temporary Location: College Services Building, Room 105 (Campus Center Building, Room 220A)
Email: Phone: 360.752.8640

TRIO supports students in achieving their goals of navigating and adjusting to college life, succeeding in their classes, graduating with a degree or certificate, and starting their career or transferring to a four-year university. The TRIO program includes personalized success coaching, 1:1 academic tutoring, assistance with applying for financial aid, student events and activities, leadership opportunities, and a supportive community of staff and students. TRIO Student Support Services at BTC is a federally funded program and part of the national network of TRIO programs. Students can learn more about eligibility for TRIO and apply online at

Counseling Services

College Services Building, Room 105
Email: Phone: 360.752.8700

BTC Counseling provides free, confidential personal counseling to enrolled students. This service is short-term and solution-focused. Issues that could impact your academic success, well-being, or safety can be addressed. Many students benefit from working with the counselor on issues like adjusting to college life, balancing role expectations, stress management, depression, anxiety, loneliness, grief and loss, identity and personal development, relationship issues, navigating cultural differences, substance misuse, healthy communication and boundaries, crisis management, and suicidal thoughts. Referrals to campus and community resources and services may be provided, as needed.

Enrollment Services

College Services Building, Lobby
Email: Phone: 360.752.8350

Enrollment Services provides support to students in meeting their educational and career goals. Our goal is to educate and empower students to successfully navigate the enrollment process on their own for each quarter of the program through completion. Services provided by Enrollment Services include processing class enrollment and class changes (adds/drops/withdrawals), enrollment verifications, processing official transcript requests, maintaining student records, notifying students who do not meet academic progress requirements, Academic Advisement Report assistance, and verifying program course requirements at the time of completion.

Accessibility Resources: Access and Disability Services

College Services Building, Room 106C
Email: Phone: 360.752.8576

Accessibility Resources (AR) is a center for disability education, awareness, and resources for students and employees. AR staff are available to help students with disabilities as they move through college toward their academic goals. AR staff accomplish this by facilitating accessibility for all, as well as determining accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, to ensure equal access for participation in all campus programs and activities. We partner with students, employees, and outside agencies to promote student access, self-efficacy, and self-advocacy. AR maintains compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and State of Washington Laws of 1994, Chapter 105.

Vocational Retraining (VR) - Labor & Industries (L&I), Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), and Community Transitions (CT)

AR is the first point of contact for L&I, DVR, and CT students and their vocational counselors. Students supported by these community agencies should fill out an AR application as they move through the Admissions process. AR serves as the liaison between L&I, DVR, and CT counselors and all campus employees. All inquiries regarding a vocational retraining student’s progress should be directed to AR.

Process for Registering with AR

Students who are experiencing an institutional barrier to their college participation due to a disability are responsible for formally requesting accommodations. The student may be asked to provide documentation prepared by a certified medical doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist with the appropriate credentials required to diagnose the stated disability. Documentation is submitted once. If new conditions are diagnosed, AR may request additional documentation.

To schedule an Access Planning Meeting with AR to determine eligibility, fill out the AR application at While documentation is only submitted once, accommodation renewals must be made each quarter of attendance through myAR (optimally four weeks prior to the quarter start date). Late requests are accepted, but may result in a delay in accommodation placement. AR students’ Rights and Responsibilities can be found on the AR webpage as well as on the AR Canvas Course for current, enrolled students. Complete documentation guidelines are available on the AR webpage.

Veterans Support Services

College Services Building, Room 100
Email: Phone: 360.752.8387

Bellingham Technical College is honored to have veterans as part of our community and is committed to ensuring that all veterans and their families have access to the educational benefits and resources entitled to them. Below is a selection of services that we offer to our veteran community.

Early Registration for Veteran Students

Students actively using VA education benefits are eligible for early enrollment each quarter. Additionally, any veteran may provide proof of eligible veteran status to BTC’s School Certifying Official to access early enrollment. Watch for your enrollment appointment time in ctcLink and enroll right after your assigned time.

Residency Status Review

If you are a veteran with non-resident status, we would like to review your residency status. Please contact BTC’s School Certifying Official or

Advising/Educational Plan

Our Admissions and Advising office have staff available to meet with veterans to assist with course planning and scheduling. Email to set up an appointment.

Graduation Veteran Cords

BTC veteran graduates are given Veteran Cords for the Commencement Ceremony. Please contact BTC’s School Certifying Official at in your graduating quarter to reserve your cords.

Associated Student Government

Temporary Location: Morse Center Building, Second Floor Atrium and Room 221 (Campus Center Building, Room 300)
Email: Phone: 360.752.8357

The Associated Students of Bellingham Technical College (ASBTC) comprises all enrolled BTC students. Through the ASBTC, students have a voice to assure that student issues and concerns are heard. ASBTC’s mission is to enhance the academic and personal lives of students by providing diverse and cultural opportunities with meaningful learning experiences that complement classroom education and enrich student life.

Students who participate in student government help establish campus policies and procedures, allocate the services and activities fees, serve on college governing and student committees, and evaluate student programs and services to meet the changing needs and interests of the students.

Interested in participating in student governance? Contact ASBTC now!

ASBTC Goals:

  • Provide a means of self-governance for BTC students.
  • Promote the educational, cultural, and social welfare of BTC students.
  • Guarantee an equitable opportunity for student participation and representation.
  • Foster cooperation among students, faculty, administration, and the community.

ASBTC recognizes and supports student clubs. Come to the Student Center to learn about all the clubs that are available.

ASBTC is fully supported by BTC employees, administration, and trustees. Participating in ASBTC is a great way to build community, attend programming events, and learn outside of the classroom. ASBTC Executive Team members support all students and develop skills in leadership, cooperative governance, and community building.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Bellingham Technical College is pleased to offer membership in Phi Theta Kappa to students who exhibit academic excellence in associate degree programs. Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society of two-year colleges, aims to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree students. BTC’s Beta Lambda Beta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa was chartered in 2002.

Invitation to membership is extended by the chapter to students who have completed at least 24 credits of coursework leading to an associate degree, in which they have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Phi Theta Kappa will be posted on their BTC transcript. Students pay a one-time membership fee and are given access to online services and activities provided by Phi Theta Kappa.

Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service through chapter involvement and community service projects.  All members are encouraged to participate and get involved, but participation is not a requirement of membership. Interested in PTK? Email


Temporary Location: Desmond McArdle Center, Room 104 (Campus Center Building, 3rd Floor)
Email: Phone: 360.752.8555

The eLearning Department supports online learning and teaching at Bellingham Technical College. eLearning manages Canvas, BTC’s online Learning Management System, as well as other instructional technologies, including lecture capture and virtual meeting software. eLearning promotes inclusive, accessible course design and technology to reduce barriers and increase success for all students. For more information, visit the eLearning website at


Temporary Location: G Building, Rooms 102 & 103, and Haskell Center, Room 203 (Campus Center Building, 3rd Floor)
Email: Phone: 360.752.8383

The BTC Library supports student research and education with books, journals, eBooks, and digital resources that align with the college curriculum. These resources, including academic databases with full-text journals and newspapers, are accessible through OneSearch on the Library website at

Library staff offer both in-person and online research assistance and instruction at the Information Desk, in the classroom, and through “Book a Librarian” and the 24/7 “Ask a Librarian” chat service. As BTC’s student technology helpdesk, the Library supports and resolves technology issues for students. The Information Commons is an open computer lab temporarily housed in Haskell Center, Room 203, where students can log in using their BTC credentials. Haskell Center, Room 203, is temporarily serving as the Library’s Information and Digital Literacy computer lab classroom and for Library, eLearning, and instructional purposes.

At the Library Information Desk, students can check out a variety of materials including books, laptops, iPads, calculators, journals, and more. The Library provides work and study tables, several networked computer stations, Wi-Fi, color and black and white printing, scanning, and coin-operated copying.

Lost and Found

Email: Phone: 360.752.8383

The Lost and Found is located at the Information Desk in the BTC Library, temporarily located in G Building, Room 102. The college is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Students use campus lockers at their own risk. 

Campus Store

Email: Phone: 360.752.8342

Visit the Campus Store at to find required texts, materials, and supplies necessary for your degree/certificate programs and courses. Email, call, or stop by and let the Campus Store staff invest in your success. We are here to help you!

Preview or purchase course materials using the Textbook Lookup tool on the Campus Store home page.

Students receiving funding via a third-party agency (ex. DVR, Labor and Industries, etc.) or Workforce Investment Act (WIA) must work with counselors from their agency prior to purchasing books and supplies. Students receiving financial aid refunds from BTC will need to pay for books and supplies at the time of purchase.

Food Services

G Building, Main Floor
Phone: 360.752.8471

Food service is available Monday through Friday in the Common Grounds Coffee Shop in G Building, where they serve breakfast and lunch items, espresso, coffee, and fresh baked goods. 

Conference and meeting rooms are available. For booking information, please call Conference and Events Services at 360.752.8303 or email

The Culinary Arts program operates the Café Culinairé restaurant in the Campus Center Building and the Culinairé Express window in the Cafeteria (G Building). Both are open to the public at selected times throughout the year. Please visit for more information.

Vending machines are located in the Campus Center Building, C Building, G Building, J Building, U Building, Haskell Center, Desmond McArdle Center, and Morse Center. The Campus Store, located in the Campus Center Building, also sells a variety of snacks and beverages.


The college does not provide students with medical or accident insurance. We encourage students who lack personal accident insurance to purchase it if they are enrolled in any degree/certificate program that involves working with machinery. Some programs require student insurance before beginning clinical internships.

Bellingham Technical College students may purchase voluntary student accident and health insurance. Insurance information is available online on BTC’s Student Resources page at


Visitor parking is located in front of the College Services Building, at the east end of the campus off of Nome Street in the V1 lot, and at the west end of campus off of Lindburgh in the V2 lot. The GP lot, on Lindbergh and Gilligan Way, is reserved for Dental patients and Café Culinaire customers. Registered students and employees are not visitors and are subject to parking violation tickets, immobilization, and/or towing. Visitors are required to sign in at the Visitor sign-in counters for each lot. Sign-in locations are in the College Services Building Lobby for the V1 lot, the A Building Lobby for the V2 lot, and in the Dental Clinic in C Building and Café Culinaire for the GP lot. Visitor parking is limited to 2 hours. 

General free parking in designated spots only is accessed via West Illinois Street in the P1, P2, and P3 lots located north of the campus buildings. Designated spots are those parking spaces indicated by a white line on both sides of the vehicle when parked. Parking lots off of Nome Street or Lindbergh Avenue are restricted parking for permit, carpool, and handicap parking as designated.

Motorcycle parking is available in four (4) areas around campus and is marked M1 - M4.

Maps indicating the appropriate place to park for general, visitor, ADA, and motorcycle parking are available at the Campus Map kiosks located at each parking lot on campus, the Information desk in the College Services Building Lobby, and in the Library on the third floor of the Campus Center Building.

Failure to adhere to parking rules as designated on parking lot signage will result in the following:

  • Parking violation ticket
  • Fines
  • Immobilization, and/or towing
  • Enrollment hold

ADA parking is available in the P1, R1, V1, R2, R3, and R4 parking lots. Parking in ADA-designated spaces requires a State-issued ADA parking permit. You can obtain the ADA parking permit by accessing the required form on the Washington State Department of Licensing website. A portion of this form will need to be filled out by your physician. Once completed take the form to any licensing office to receive your ADA permit over the counter. 

Information on carpool parking spaces can be obtained by visiting the Cashier in the College Services Building or calling 360.752.8311. 

The following situations are subject to vehicle immobilization and/ or towing (fees are associated with the release of the immobilization device and with towing at the owner’s expense):

  • Any vehicle that receives three (3) parking violations will be subject to immobilization and/or towing when the third violation or subsequent violations are issued regardless of whether prior fines are paid in full. (Towing companies charge by the hour and by the day for impounded vehicles.)
  • Any vehicle parked in a fire lane or in handicap parking without a handicap parking permit are subject to towing and a parking citation by the Bellingham Police Department.
  • Vehicles left overnight or through the weekend on college property are subject to towing.

The Parking Hotline number for immobilized or towed vehicles is 360.752.8798.

The college assumes no liability for vehicles parked in the campus parking lots. 

Disputes or appeals on violations must be made in writing, giving full particulars, including a list of witnesses and evidence expected to be presented, and be submitted to the Safety Director or their designee within five (5) days of the date of issuance, or the right to appeal is deemed waived. If the appeal is not resolved to the satisfaction of the alleged violator, they have five additional business days to appeal to the Vice President of Administrative Services. 

Tutoring Services

Temporary Location: Building 2 Study Hub (Campus Center Building, 2nd Floor)
Email: Phone: 360.752.8499

Bellingham Technical College provides free drop-in tutoring to students enrolled in tuition and fee-bearing courses all year when classes are in session. Tutors are recruited in all subjects where tutoring assistance is requested. To request in-person or online tutoring, contact the Tutoring Center. The current drop-in tutoring schedule is available at If students request tutoring in an area not currently offered on the schedule, staff will do their best to locate a tutor in that subject.